The Bouncer Raited: Teen My raiting: 11+ There isn't blood, but they have some pretty intense punches and kicking like punching someone 10 ft in the air and then kicking them on the way down. In one part a train crashes and blows up some bad guys. They also say Da*n alot and da**it. Midnight Club: Street Racing Raited: Teen My raiting: 12+ It has some Languge like they say Da*n. Also you can run over people walking on the sidewalk, but you can turn that off. World War 2 Fighters Raited: E My Raiting: Age 9 + There isn't any blood. When the planes blow up if you don't get you're pilot out you can see him in the burning cockpit, but there isn't any blood or gore ther Zone of the Ennders Raited: M MY raiting: 13+ It dosent have any blood, but there is violence because all of the robots that you blow up have people controling them. Also in the intro you see some dead people and then there are some kids tied to a pole and a robot falls on them and kills them, and then blood comes out from under the robot. The only thaing that made it Mature and not Teens is the demo of Metal Gear Solid. MGS has tons of blood and vilonce. Operation Flashback Raited: Mature My Raiting:13+ When some one get shot sometimes blood will come off of them, also when they are shot there will be a spot of blood on there shirt. When they get blown up there is blood on there face. Some times in the game they say word like h*ll, and Da*mnit and Da*n. Duke Nekon Raited: M It has bad violence and blood. South Park for N64 Raited: M It has bad bad bad languge. CART Fury for PS2 Raited: E MY raiting: 6+ There isn't hardly anythaing bad except they have bad crashes were the cars go fliping into walls. NBA Street for PS2 Raited: E My raiting: 9+ There isn't hardly and thaing bad in it. There is some languge. They say A**. |